On Triofox server, notice namespace is always busy. Web portal sometimes show 'Server Busy'.
Visit Performance Monitor page (http://localhost/management/PerfCounterMonitor.aspx), see Dir Queue (High) shows high drop rate.
Dir Queue (High) is the high priority DIR queue in namespace. When there are lots of file changes in Triofox and all clients will query the file changes from the database, it can cause the high priority queue to grow big and the drop rate to increase.
When hit the issue, follow the instruction here:
- On Triofox server, go to the installation folder\root (by default, it is C:\Program Files (x86)\Triofox\root). Make a copy of web.config here.
- Edit web.config
- In web.config, search for line '<appSettings file="branding.config">'
Insert the setting here immediately after the line found, together with other 'add key' statement.
<add key="LowerWindowsClientPriority" value="true" />
Save the change - Open IIS Manager. Go to Application pool and recycle namespace
- visit http://localhost/namespace/n.svc/helloworld
The URL should show helloword message. If it shows any error, the line is not inserted to the correct section. Need to check web.config again.
The setting will move the windows client query to the low priority queue. Wait for the high priority queue to clean up.
After the high priority queue is cleaned up and drop rate is low, edit root\web.config to remove the setting, to move the windows client query back to high priority queue.
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